Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Dorothy Hall


Cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 Afghanistan Battle Green





Map ref

NZ 254522

Original Location

Pelton Fell War Memorial Park

Which war

a. 1914-18
b. 1939-45
c. Afghanistan

Dedication, Creation or Publication date

a. Unveiled Saturday 22nd July 1922 by Sir Horace Plunkett, K.C.V.O., F.R.S., D.C.L., Chairman of Pelton Colliery; dedicated by Right Rev. Dr. J.N. Quirk, Lord Bishop of Jarrow,
Rededicated on Nov. 11th 2007.

Memorial Description

Cenotaph “of Renaissance design” approx. 30 feet high x 10 feet wide x 7 feet deep (9.14m x 3.04m x 2.13m). It is set upon three steps. Near the top, at front and rear, is a wreath is half relief.
On the front the plaque for 1914-18 is made of bronze, 3 feet high x 8 feet wide (912mm x 2.43m). Names are listed in four columns, the lettering is raised in casting using Roman capitals. This is for the names from the first half of the alphabet. The originals were 2 feet 3 inches high x 7 feet 3 inches wide 685mm x 2.20m).
Above it, also on the front is a plaque 2 feet high x 3 feet wide 608mm x 912mm), painted green, for 1939-45. Letters are painted white in two columns using Roman capitals. The original was copper, but was stolen.
At the rear, the plaque is made of two pieces of polished marble, total width 3 feet 6 inches high x 8 feet, (106m x 2.43m) and appears to be very new. The names are listed in four columns, incised and gilded, using sans serif capitals, for the end half of the alphabet. The original was of copper, but was stolen. This one was made by Manpower Services Commission.
The Cenotaph stands within a park laid out with mature trees. There is a bowling green, tennis courts, a putting green and children’s play area.

Materials used

Heworth Sandstone


a. Base Plaque:
In glorious memory of those of Pelton Fell and District / who laid down their lives in the Great War / 1914 – 1919.
Rear Plaque:
In glorious memory of those of Pelton Fell and District / who laid down their lives in the Great War / 1914 – 1919.
b. Upper Plaque:
In memory of those of Pelton Fell & District / who laid down their lives in World War II / 1939 – 1945. c. Front Upper Plaque
In memory of those of Pelton Fell and District/ Who laid down their lives


Who commissioned

War Memorial Committee


£6,000 which covered the Cenotaph, gates, bandstand and park.

How money was raised

Public subscription.

Present condition

Restored 2007.

Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Cenotaph Mr. A.H. Fennell of Chester-le-Street. Stonework erected by Messrs. Alex. Pringle Ltd. of Gateshead. Contractors were Messrs. Emley and Son, Newcastle.

Ownership and maintenance



1. The discrepancies in the materials used for the plaques are because of theft. The originals were stolen and replacements made.

2. In preparation for restoration, an agency was brought in to help provide access for the disabled. Their proposals for mosaics and children’s play facilities in the area of the cenotaph were rejected as being totally inappropriate, as this area is filled with people on Remembrance Day with the band occupying a large area. This particular corner is set aside as being special.

3. Chester-le-Street Chronicle 08/08/1919 reports presentations to various serving men with brief CVs. 23/01/1920 reports further presentations. Of 677 men from the village who served, 34 had gained honours.

4. On the cenotaph, the plaque at the rear and the plaque for 1939-45 have been replaced in 2007, and the entrance to the park improved.

5. At the official opening, a gilt silver key was presented to Sir Horace Plunkett by Mr. Stephenson, an old employee at the Colliery, as a souvenir.

6. The original idea for the memorial was providing houses for war widows.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Errol Broomfield; Ron Carson; Dorothy Hall

Chester-le-Street Chronicle 08/11/1918 reports proposals meeting; 28/07/1922 reports unveiling

Chester Post 19/05/1983 carries article first published during 1914-18 war re death of Pte. Sydney Oliver.

Stanley News 05/10/1916 reports death of Pte. Stephenson.

Consett and Stanley Chronicle 23/07/1922 reports unveiling.

Stanley and Chester-le-Street News 03/08/1922 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 22/07/1922 reports proposed unveiling this afternoon

Northern Echo 29/06/1969 reports that a £1,500 granite plaque will replace the bronze one stolen earlier in the year.

The Journal 09/10/1989 page 7

Advertiser 10/11/2007 reports proposed unveiling with an article and some stories behind the names.

Durham Times 09/11/2007 reports research into the stories behind the names on the memorial by Clive Bowery. Also included are photos and stories of Pte. Edward Hope; Pte. John Middlemiss; two Claspers (father and son) killed within a month of each other.

Memories of Pelton (Rand and Nairn)

Pelton In Old Picture Postcards has a photo of the cenotaph and park gates.

External web link

Research acknowledgements

Errol Broomfield; Ron Carson; Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; Janet Brown; Dorothy Hall; C. Sanders; T. Harding; John and Mavis Dixon; Nancy Crampton; Old postcard: John Grainger

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Cenotaph 1914-18 1939-45 Afghanistan Battle Green (P27.01)

PELTON FELL, Battle Green
Front base plaque:
   In glorious memory of those of Pelton Fell and District 
   who laid down their lives in the Great War 
   1914 – 1919.  
   Pte.    Alderson C.     Driver  Curle J.        Pte.    Errington P.   Pte.    Howes W.
   "       Batty R.        Pte.    Curry W.        Corpl.  Evans W.       Cyclist Howey G.
   "       Bewick T.       "       Dargue R.       Pte.    Fullerton M.   Pte.    Howey J.
   "       Bird J.         L/Cpl.  Davidson J.     Sgnlr.  Gilder F.      "       Hubble J.
   "       Bland J.S.      Pte.    Davidson T.     Pte.    Gooch J.G.     Corpl.  Hunter G.
   "       Bradford G.A.   "       Dawson T.       Corpl.  Goodwin E.     A.B.    Hutchinson H.
   "       Brown J.R.      "       Dickinson J.A.  Pte.    Gray W.M.      Pte.    Hutchinson J.
   Sapper  Budd G.         "       Dinning T.      "       Griffiths R.   L/Cpl.  Hutler T.
   Sergt.  Buffman H.A.    "       Dinning J.      "       Guire W.       Seaman  Hutton W.
   Pte.    Chapman G.      "       Dixon W.        "       Hearn G.E.     Engr.   James T.
   "       Clasper F.      "       Dixon W.        Corpl.  Henderson W.   Pte.    Johnson D.A.
   "       Clasper J.      "       Dobson J.       Pte.    Hogg W.        A.B.    Kay E.
   "       Collins L.      Ldg.Smn.Donkin G.       "       Hope E.        Pte.    Lambert J.
   Gunner  Curle C.        "       Dyson J.        "       Hope J.        "       Laverick W.
Rear base plaque
   In glorious memory of those of Pelton Fell and District 
   who laid down their lives in the Great War 
   1914 – 1919.  
           Bell  Mary Ann  Pte.    Moffitt R.W.    Gunner  Sands J.       L/Cpl.   Thompson R.T.
   Pte.    Lawson R.F.     Pte.    Morson W.E.     Pte.    Selkirk P.     Seaman   Trotter R.
   Pte.    Ledger W.       Pte.    Morton J.       Sergt.  Sheldrake W.   Sergt.   Turnbull H.
   Pte.    Leighton F.     Gunner  Muncaster R.    Pte.    Sillett H.     Pte.     Turnbull L.
   Sergt.  Lennox R.       Cyclist Oliver S.A.     L/Cpl.  Skillcorn J.   Pte.     Tweddle T.W.
   Pte.    Little G.E.     Sergt.  Parker M.W.     Pte.    Smiles G.W.    Pte.     Vickers T.T.
   A.B.    Little J.       Pte.    Patterson E.    Pte.    Smith H.       Pte.     Walton T.
   Sapper  Longstaffe T.   Pte.    Phillipson H.L. Pte.    Sneller J.W.   Pte.     Wardle J.
   Pte.    Lonsdale A.S.   Sergt.  Pickering J.H.  Pte.    Southwick J.   Sergt.   Wardle T. 
   Farrier Lowery C.D.     Pte.    Proctor F.      Pte.    Stephenson W.  Pte.     Wardle T.
   Sgnlr.  Lynn J.         Gunner  Radcliffe F.    Pte.    Stirling J.    Pte.     Warnes G.
   Pte.    McDermott E.V.  Pte.    Reed J.         Pte.    Stirman G.     Pte      Welsh T.
   Pte.    McDermott M.H.  Pte.    Reed J.S.       Pte.    Stobbs T.      Pte.     Welsh W.T.
   Pte.    McDermott T.    L/Cpl.  Richardson G.   Pte.    Stockburn S.E. Pte.     White J.W.
   Sapper  Michael T.W.    Pte.    Richardson J.   Driver  Stoker J.J.    A.B.     Wilson J.H.
   Pte.    Middlemas J.G.  Pte.    Richardson J.R. Pte.    Strachan H.    M.Marine Woodruff L.S.
   Pte.    Middleton J.G.  Pte.    Riddell A.      Pte.    Strachan R.    Pte.     Wray W.
   Pte.    Middleton J.W.  Sergt.  Ritson H.L.     Pte.    Surtees W.     Pte.     York M.
   Pte.    Miller J.       Pte.    Robson G.       Pte.    Telfer R.      Pte.     Young E.
   Sapper  Miller J.       Pte.    Rundle J.W.     Stoker  Thompson F.                    
Upper front plaque
   In memory of those of Pelton Fell & District 
   who laid down their lives in World War II 
   1939 – 1945. 
   Pte.    E.J. Bain,      A.S.H.         Sgt.    J. Spedding,     R.A.F.
   Pte.    W. Bell,        D.L.I.         Sgt.    W.M. Stanger,    R.A.F.
   Sgt.    R. Black,       D.L.I.         A.B.    L. Stennett,     R.N.
   Pte.    J. Hall,        D.L.I.         Pte.    J.T. Sutherland, D.L.I.
   Sgt.    T. King, D.F.M. R.A.F.         A.B.    J. Thirtle,      R.N.
   L/Cpl.  W. Knox,        D.L.I.         Pte.    R. Thirtle,      D.L.I.
   Pte.    W. Lawrence,    D.L.I.         C.S.M.  S. Wardle, M.M.  D.L.I.
   Pte.    N. Proctor,     D.L.I.         Cpl.    C. Wilson,       D.o.Well.
   Sgt.    T. Robinson     R.A.M.C.
   Upper rear plaque
   In memory of those of Pelton Fell and District
   Who laid down their lives
   Sgt. S. Campbell    Three Rifles    Afghanistan    22 03 2010
   Souvenir Programme
   Opening Ceremony
   Of the
   Pelton Fell and District War Memorial
   Saturday July 22 1922
   Page 28
   Names of those who fell during the Great War
   Alderson, C.,           Private                 Dickinson, J.A.               Private
   Batty, R.               Private                 Dinning, T.                   Private  
   Bewick, T.              Private                 Dinning, J.                   Private
   Bird, J.                Private                 Dixon, W.                     Private
   Bland, J.S.             Private                 Dixon, W.                     Private
   Bradford, G.A.          Private                 Dobson, J.                    Private
   Brown, J.R.             Private                 Donkin, G.                    Leading Seaman
   Budd, G.                Sapper                  Dyson, J.                     Private
   Chapman, G.             Private                 Errington, P.                 Private
   Clasper, F.             Private                 Evans, W.                     Corporal
   Clasper, J.             Private                 Gilder, F.                    Signaller
   Curle, C.               Gunner                  Gooch, J.G.                   Private
   Curle, J.               Driver                  Griffiths, R.                 Private
   Collins, L.             Private                 Guire, W.                     Private
   Davidson J.             Lance-Corporal          Hogg, W.                      Private
   Dawson, T               Private                 Hope, E.                      Private
Page 29
   Hope, J.                Private                 McDermott, E.V.               Private
   Howes, W.               Private                 McMermot, M.                  Able-bodied Seaman
   Howey, G.               Cyclist                 McDermot, T.                  Private
   Howey, J.               Private                 Michaels, W.                  Sapper
   Hunter, G.              Corporal                Middleton, J.G.               Private
   Hutler, T.              Lance-Corporal          Middleton, W.                 Private
   Hubble, J.              Private                 Miller, J.                    Private
   Hutchinson, T.          Private                 Miller, J.                    Sapper
   Johnson, D.A.           Private                 Moffat, R.                    Private
   Kay, E.                 Able-bodied Seaman      Morson, W.E.                  Private
   Laverick, W.            Private                 Tweedle, T.W.                 Private
   Lawson, R.F.            Private                 Vickers, T.T.                 Private
   Ledger, W.              Private                 Warnes, G.                    Private
   Leighton, F.            Private                 Walton, T.                    Private
   Little, G.E.            Private                 Wardle, W. (Died May 1919)    Sergeant
   Lennox, R.              Sergeant                Wardle, T.                    Private
   Longstaffe, T.          Sapper                  Wardle, J.                    Private
   Lowery, C.D.            Farrier                 Welsh, T.                     Private
   Lynn J. (Died 24th Dec. Signaller               White, J.                     Private
Page 30
   Wilson, J.              Able-bodied Seaman      Middlemas, J.G.               Private
   Wray, W.                Private                 Welsh, W.T.                   Private
   York, M                 Private                 Ritson, H.                    Sergeant
   Young, E.               Private                 Morton, J.                    Private
   Hutton, W.              Seaman                  Muncaster, R.                 Gunner
   Henderson, W.           Corporal                Oliver, S.                    Cyclist
   Gray, W.                Private                 Parker, M.                    Sergeant
   Davidson, T.            Private                 Patterson, E.                 Private
   Little, J.              Able-bodied Seaman      Phillipson, H.L.              Private
   Fullerton, M.           Private                 Proctor, F.                   Private
   Smiles, G.W.            Private                 Radcliffe, F.                 Gunner
   Turnbull, H.            Sergeant                Reed, J.                      Private
   Woodruff, S.S.          Mercantile Marine       Reed, J.                      Private
   Dargue, R.              Private                 Riddell, A.                   Private
   Lambert, J.             Private                 Robson, G.                    Private
   Curry, W.               Private                 Rundle, J.                    Private
   Buffham, H.A.           Sergeant                Sands, J.                     Gunner
   Pickering, J.H.         Sergeant                Selkirk, P.                   Private
   Richardson, G.          Lance-Cororal           Sheldrake, W.                 Sergeant
   Richardson, J.          Private                 Surtees, W.                   Private
Page 31
   Sillet, H.              Private                 Straughan, R.                 Private
   Skillcorn, J.           Lance-Corporal          Telfer, R.                    Private
   Smith, H.               Private                 Thompson, F.                  Stoker
   Snellor, J.             Private                 Thompson, R.T.                Lance-Corporal
   Stephenson, W.          Private                 Trotter, R.                   Seaman
   Stirman, G.             Private                 Turnbull, L.                  Private
   Stirling, J.            Private                 Hearn, G.E.                   Private
   Stobbs, T.              Private                 Goodwin, E.                   Corporal
   Stockbun, S.E.          Private                 James, T.                     Engineer
   Stoker, J.J.            Driver                  Lonsdale, A.S.                Rifleman
   Southwick, J.           Private                 Richardson, J.R.              Private
   Straughan, H.           Private                 Hutchinson, H.                Able-bodied Seaman
                           Annie Bell              Munition Worker

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story