Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo:Philip Thirkell


Plaque 1914-18 C.W.S. West Blandford Street





Map ref

NZ 241638

Original Location

Blandford House, West Blandford Street (Co-operative Wholesale Society North East Headquarters Building) in the ballroom on the top floor.

Present Location

The Discovery Museum

Which war


Memorial Description

Plaque on carved wood surround with domed top, and pilasters with Doric tops at either side. The dates and "In memoriam" are in gold Gothic lettering on the top frame. The central panel bears the words "Members who made the Supreme Sacrifice" and "Lest we forget" in gold lettering. The names appear between these, listed in three columns using sans serif capitals throughout. The panel has a glass front.

Materials used



1914 In memoriam 1918 / Members who made the Supreme Sacrifice /
Lest we forget


Present condition

Whole building restored 2003


1. This memorial has been kept in the building, following the closure of non-food stores. It has been kept because of the way it is fixed to the wall.

2. “Three months’ full wages were to be handed to the representative of any employee killed in action. The last-named benefit was granted when a C.W.S. Flour packer (P. Chambers) lost his life through the sinking of H.M.S. Hogue on September 22nd 1914.” Mr. Chambers was the son of Mrs. R.J. Chambers from North Woolwich, London, so is not named on a north-east memorial. This item is included to show how the C.W.S. was prepared to look after its employees in 1914 – when it was thought that the war would be over by Christmas.

3. In the furniture and hardware department, 51 men had joined the forces out of 90., of whom 2 had fallen.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Elspeth Gould; Janet Brown

New history of the C.W.S. page 118 carries the information in Note 2 above.

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 19/01/1920 reports first dinner since 1912 of the clerks at which they held a silence in memory of the fallen; 08/03/1920 reports a Welcome Home dinner for the returned men.

Source of quotation:
“Lest we forget” : 'Recessional' Rudyard Kipling.

Research acknowledgements

R.C. Simpson; Elspeth Gould; Janet Brown; Tony Harding; Anthea Lang; James Pasby; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 C.W.S. West Blandford Street (NUT046)

NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, Blandford House (former Co-operative H.Q.)

   1914        In memoriam        1918
   Members who made the Supreme Sacrifice
   Atkinson H.      Heyworth G.      Potts, L.
   Aggio, W.        Haig, F.C.       Pickering, S.
   Armstrong, E.    Hall, T.         Reed, T.
   Balmer, D.       Headlem, G.      Rule, G.
   Bell, R.         Hughes, J.J.     Riccalton, R.A.
   Bell, R.         Hutchinson, J.   Ross, T.W.
   Bell, E.         Huddart, J.      Rutherford, F.
   Boyle, T.        Hedley, G.       Russell, J.
   Briggs, H.       Hogg, E.T.       Robinson, L.
   Berry, A.        Hyde, H.M.       Robbie, A.
   Belgian, W.      Iredale, H.      Rowan, F.
   Brown, W.        Kellie, W.       Richardson, S.G.
   Brown, T.        Latimer, J.W.    Scorer, T.
   Broderick, R.    Litchfield, W.   Scott, W.R.
   Cook, F.G.       Leech, J.        Smith, G.C.
   Copeland, R.     Lisle J.J.       Smith, T.H.
   Clark, T.        Lightfoot, T.    Taylor, J.G.
   Crawley, J.W.    Mayne, G.W.      Taylor, T.
   Colman, E.       Moorsom, G.      Thompson, J.D.
   Carruthers, J.   Murray, J.W.     Thompson, J.R.
   Davidson, T.     Murray, J.A      Thompson, W.
   Dawson, W.       Murton, W.       Thompson, D.
   Dixon, G.        Murton, J.       Tulip, J.C.
   Dixon, F.        Milne, R.B.      Turner, J.F.
   Dodds, T.W.H.    Moffatt, A.      Todd, R.
   Findlay, W.      Moul, F.J.       Varley, A.
   Fulthorpe, R.    McHenry, J.      White, N.
   Gales, H.R.      McHenry, D.      White, H.
   Gibson, W.W.     Mandale, J.J.    Wilson, G.
   Gray, J.         McWilliams, D.   Waistell, W.E.
   Grieves, T.      Moncrief, J.     Whitehead, J.
   Gillard, H.W.    Murr, W.         Willmott, W.L.
   Goodrum, W.      Palmer, H.       
   Grey, G.A.
   Lest We Forget.

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story