MATFEN, Village green.
On the south face :
To the Glory of God
and in grateful remembrance of the men
of this parish who gave their lives for
King and Country in the Great War
Arthur C. Akenhead
William Armstrong
Frederic G. Beattie
Thomas Brown
On the east face : On the west face :
Frederick Charlton Thomas I. Robson
William H. Chattaway William J. Robson
Thomas F. Graham William Rochester
George Graham George Russell, M.M.
Andrew R. Hall Thomas M.M. Scott, “ “
William C. Howe James W. Shaw
Frederick T. Leathard Richard T. Strong
John L. Longstaff John W. Thompson
John Robson John Wilkinson
On the north face :
Greater love hath no man than this
that a man lay down his life
for his friends.
John R. Cowan George Ross
Roland N. Mills