Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Simon Raine


Plaque 1914-18 St. Ives





Map ref

NZ 130518

Original Location

St. Ives’ Church, St. Ives’ Road.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 7th October 1923 by the Bishop of Durham

Memorial Description

Plaque 3 feet high x 6 feet wide. There is a border of grape vines carved to stand proud with the leaves gilded and the grapes coloured purple. At centre top is a shield bearing a cross in red. The dedication at the top and the quotation in a cartouche at the bottom are in fancy capitals letters incised and coloured red. The names are listed in four columns, in black sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Caen stone


1914 - 1918./ To the glory of God and in honoured memory of / the fallen of this parish in the Great War
Their name liveth for evermore.


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by Mr. O.W. Richardson, built by Reed, Millican & Co. of Newcastle on Tyne.

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: Simon Raine, C. Sanders

Durham County Advertiser 12/10/1923

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 14/04/1923 page 8; 13/10/1923 page 10

Shields Daily News 12/04/1923

Consett Guardian 12/10/1923 reports unveiling.

Stanley News and Consett Chronicle 11/10/1923 reports unveiling.

Blaydon Courier 13/10/1923 reports unveiling.

Northern Echo 08/10/1923 reports unveiling.

Source of quotation:
“Their name liveth for evermore” Apocrypha Ecclesiasticus 44

External web link

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Fitzhugh Collection, Middleton in Teesdale; C. Sanders; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Plaque 1914-18 St. Ives (L65.03)

LEADGATE       St. Ives Church
   To the glory of God and in honoured memory of
   1914      the fallen of this parish in the Great War    1918

Column 1               Column 2  
   Alderson, John      Edgar, John        
   Allison, Wm.        Ford, Basil        
   Anderson, Norman J. Forman, David      
   Astley, John        Fowler, Robert     
   Ballentyne, Adam F. Gallagher, Wm.     
   Barron, Frederick   Gardiner, Geo.     
   Barron. John Wm.    Gill, James D.     
   Bessford, Wm. A.    Goody, Cecil       
   Best, John Geo.     Haughey, Mic.      
   Best, Thos. C.      Hart, James R.     
   Birtley, Chas. E.   Hebdon, Chas.      
   Brannigan, John     Hebdon, Norman     
   Brown, Geo.         Hooper, Geo. H.    
   Burns, Felix        Howard, Jos.       
   Carr, Geo. A.       Irwin, Geo. Hy.    
   Chambers, James R.  Jackson, Wm.       
   Coombe, Samuel T.   Kirsop, Thos.      
   Craig, Wm. R.       Ledger, Thos.      
   Croney, Jos. F.     Lee, Wm.           
   Croney, Thos.       Lee, Edward H.     
   Cullen, Thos.       Liddell, Thos.     
   Dinning, John T.    Luck, Stephen      
   Donnelly, Thos.     Maughan Ed.        
   Dover, Albert       Mawson, Matthew W. 
   Dunning, Geo.       Mawson, Robert     
   Robson, Fred.       Ballantine Fred    
Column 3               Column 4  

   McGlen, Thos.       Slane, Peter
   McGrahan, J.        Snaith, Andrew T.
   McGrath, Thos.      Stafford, John R.
   Milburn, Jas.       Tait, Robert W.S.
   Oxley, John         Telfer, Thos. M.
   Parker, Robert      Tinkler, Isaac
   Parkin, Thos. W.    Turner, Francis
   Pearson, Edwin P.   Turner, Jos.
   Pearson, Robt.      Veitch, Geo.
   Perry, Matthew      Vipond, John C.
   Pogue, Norman C.    Walker, Jas.
   Porter, Robt.       Walker, Thos.
   Postle, George      Wanless, Robert F.
   Reddy, Patrick      Warburton, Herbert L.
   Redshaw, George     Wate, John P.
   Redshaw, Oliver.    Watson, John F.
   Reid Matthew        Wilson, Bennie R.
   Ridley, Fred.       Wilson, Thos.
   Ringer, Walter      Wilson, Henry
   Robinson, John M.   Wilson, Henry
   Robson, Wm.         Woods, John G.
   Robson, Robt. J.    Williamson, Sydney
   Rowland Thos. E.    Young Robt. W.
   Scott, John         Robson, Edwin
   Shield, John        Gartland, Henry
   Allinson, Robt.     White, John W.


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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story