LEADGATE St. Ives Church
To the glory of God and in honoured memory of
1914 the fallen of this parish in the Great War 1918
Column 1 Column 2
Alderson, John Edgar, John
Allison, Wm. Ford, Basil
Anderson, Norman J. Forman, David
Astley, John Fowler, Robert
Ballentyne, Adam F. Gallagher, Wm.
Barron, Frederick Gardiner, Geo.
Barron. John Wm. Gill, James D.
Bessford, Wm. A. Goody, Cecil
Best, John Geo. Haughey, Mic.
Best, Thos. C. Hart, James R.
Birtley, Chas. E. Hebdon, Chas.
Brannigan, John Hebdon, Norman
Brown, Geo. Hooper, Geo. H.
Burns, Felix Howard, Jos.
Carr, Geo. A. Irwin, Geo. Hy.
Chambers, James R. Jackson, Wm.
Coombe, Samuel T. Kirsop, Thos.
Craig, Wm. R. Ledger, Thos.
Croney, Jos. F. Lee, Wm.
Croney, Thos. Lee, Edward H.
Cullen, Thos. Liddell, Thos.
Dinning, John T. Luck, Stephen
Donnelly, Thos. Maughan Ed.
Dover, Albert Mawson, Matthew W.
Dunning, Geo. Mawson, Robert
Robson, Fred. Ballantine Fred
Column 3 Column 4
McGlen, Thos. Slane, Peter
McGrahan, J. Snaith, Andrew T.
McGrath, Thos. Stafford, John R.
Milburn, Jas. Tait, Robert W.S.
Oxley, John Telfer, Thos. M.
Parker, Robert Tinkler, Isaac
Parkin, Thos. W. Turner, Francis
Pearson, Edwin P. Turner, Jos.
Pearson, Robt. Veitch, Geo.
Perry, Matthew Vipond, John C.
Pogue, Norman C. Walker, Jas.
Porter, Robt. Walker, Thos.
Postle, George Wanless, Robert F.
Reddy, Patrick Warburton, Herbert L.
Redshaw, George Wate, John P.
Redshaw, Oliver. Watson, John F.
Reid Matthew Wilson, Bennie R.
Ridley, Fred. Wilson, Thos.
Ringer, Walter Wilson, Henry
Robinson, John M. Wilson, Henry
Robson, Wm. Woods, John G.
Robson, Robt. J. Williamson, Sydney
Rowland Thos. E. Young Robt. W.
Scott, John Robson, Edwin
Shield, John Gartland, Henry
Allinson, Robt. White, John W.