HEDDON ON THE WALL, in Memorial Garden.
To the glory of God
and in loving memory of
those from this parish
who laid down their lives
for their country during the Great War
Robert Armatage Henry Murray
Gilbert T. Barron Thomas O'Neil
William E. Eddy William A.H. Scarlett
George J. Gibson Ralph Eustace-Smith
Thomas Gibson John R. Watson
James L. Knott Harold Whitton
H. Basil Knott Albert Wolland
John Laws John Wright
"So they passed over, and all the trumpets
sounded for them on the other side".
Also to the memory of those of this parish who fell
in the Second Great War 1939-1945
William C. Hall Ronald C. Sinclair John T. Burns
Evan E. Morgan David C. Barrett Maurice Jewitt