HARTON Westoe Secondary School
Roll of Honour
In proud and honoured memory
of the Old Boys of
Westoe Secondary School
who gave their lives for God, King
and Country in the Great War.
Live thou for Britain
We for Britain died.
John Abrahamson Stanley Gray Jas. W. Payne
James Archer W. Hubert Hall H.B. Pettler
John W. Armstrong Edgar A. Hastie Oliver Phinn
Fred Atkinson John Hellam Clifford Ramm
Roland Bainbridge Irving Henderson Watson Ramsay
William C. Barlow Robert Hogg Andrew Rankin
Fred Barnfather Alex. D. Johnston James W. Reay
Robert D. Balmain Richard S. Kaye Harold Reay
Harold Bell Jas. L. Kennedy John B. Richardson
Jos. T. Bell Fred. C. Laidler Harry Ross
E.M. Blanchflower John M. Lauderdale William Rowe
Robert Blues Norman Laverick William Rynsaard
Arthur Bridge Fred. G. Law George E. Smith
Alex Bruce George Lawrence Walter Smith
J.E. Burdon Alfred Lawson John Thompson
Morris Carling Alfred Legg Robert Todd
John G. Clarke James Law Lionel Tucker
John Clarkson Charles J. Leslie John J. Varley
John C. Cree Joseph Mason Harry Vaughan
Corbett Cresswell Harry Maughan Thomas Ward
Joseph Cubey George McKenzie John C. Watmough
Albert V. Daniels Enoch Mearns Edmund Watmough
Thomas Davison Victor Medd Edward Wilson
John Dingle John C. Napier John Winter
David Fleming Alf. Ogilvie J.B. Wright
Edward T. Foster And. Ohlsson William S. Wylie
Also D. Markwell Chapman, Member of the Staff
Live thou for Britain
We for Britain died.
The Shields Daily Gazette 14/12/1918 gives the following names of those who gained honours. The headmaster, Mr. T.A. Lawrenson, would be glad to receive any further names.
Anderson, Joseph L.; L.Cpl.; Northumberland Hussars; Military Medal
Christie, W.E.; Lieut.; R.E.; Meritorious Service Medal.
Edgar, John; Capt.; D. of Cornwalls L.I.; Military Cross
Fletcher, Stephen; L.Cpl.; London Regt. (Prince of Waless Own);
Military Medal and Belgian Croix de Guerre.
Gibbon, Charles; Temp.Lieut.; R.N.D.; Distinguished Service Cross.
Hogg, Gladstone; Sig.; R.N.D.; Military Medal
Hunter, Robert E.; Sergt.; R.E.; Military Medal
Jewels, Charles; Lieut.Col.; Lancs Fusiliers; Distinguished Service
Order (Bar) and Military Cross.
Kennedy, J.L.; Pte.; Royal Fusiliers; Military Medal
Maughan, Harry; Royal Sussex Regt.; Military Medal
McHugh, Robert; Durham Light Infantry; Military Medal
ONeill, James; Northumberland Yeomanry; Military Medal
Reay, John; Army Chaplain; Military Medal
Reay, Marshall; Temp.Lieut.; R.N.R.; Distinguished Service Cross
Rewcastle, George; Major; Distinguished Service Order and Military
Tate, Jasper; Canadian Cont.; Military Medal
Walsh, Edmund; R.A.M.C.; Military Medal
Walsh, Frank, R.A.M.C.; Military Medal
Woods, T.C.; 2nd Lieut.; Military Cross.