At the top:
Erected A.D. MCMXXI
Centre panel:
Gateshead Secondary School
Toil No Soil
1914 A.D. 1918
Pro Patria
Left hand panel :
They went with songs to the battle, they were young
Straight of limb true of eye steady and aglow
They were staunch to the end against odds uncounted
They fell with their faces to the foe.
Right hand panel :
As the stars that shall be bright when we are dust
Moving in marches upon the heavenly plain
As the stars that are starry in the time of our darkness
To the end to the end they remain.
On reading desk :
was designed by
Robert Rowell
Art Master 1905-1935
who died Oct. 12th 1935.
Left hand panel Right hand panel
Adamson J. Luke W.J.
Appleton R.A. Maddison B.
Archbold W.E. Mason R.
Arkle L. Mason T.
Arkle N. McCabe H.
Arkless J.W. Mitchell T.
Bamborough J.G. Morrison D.
Blades H. Mudd C.
Blake C.M. Newton J.E.
Bowman H.A. Nichols W.
Brewis R.W. Noble R.
Brockett H.M. Olsen H.
Bruce J.A. Parkinson S.
Cheverton S. Potter R.W.
Chipman F.A. Poulton J.H.
Clarke F. Pretsell W.C.
Clarke S. Punshon G.
Copeland J.S. Punshon H.F.
Coxon P.H. Ridley H.
Craig W. Robertson G.
Cummings W.A.W. Rollo T.W.
Cummins J. Russell E.
Dellow J. Russell F.
Dick J. Simpson A.
Dickinson T. Sinclair J.T.
Elliott F. Stott E.
Ellis G. Stott J.
Ellison T. Tragheim E.
Fisher J.H. Truran J.
Forster J. Turnbull N.E.
Gibson H.F. Walton E.A.
Goddard W. Warden J.
Hadden E.C. Watkins C.N.
Heslop F. Watson E.
Iley C. Waud E.
Kirk G. Welch F.
Lawson R. Wilson W.
Lowery W.E. Young J.
Lightfoot J.M. Potter J.
Attwater W. Harrison J.W. Ruddick S.L. Waud H.
Clark T.J. Ord B.P. Smith H. Wearmouth G.W.
Dellow R. Ridley J. Snee J.E. Williamson W.
Goldthorp S.T. Thompson W.V.