CORBRIDGE, St. Andrew's Church, Lych gate.
On west side:
Sacred to the memory of those men of Corbridge
who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918
Aldred, H.W. Charlton, R. Goodson, H. Logan, A. Robson, G.D.
Allcroft, M. Coates, H.W. Goodyear, E. Longstaff, T. Robson, J.J.
Allcroft, W. Coward, G. Graham, R. Lowes, N. Robson, J.W.
Amos, J.R. Crozier, W. Greener, N. Maddison, F.L. Rogerson, R.
Armstrong, H. Cuthbert, W. Guy, W.E. Mail, F.O. Scott, T.
Atkin, R. Daniels, J. Hall, J. Marshall, I.D. Scott, V.E.
Bell, J. Davis, H. Hamilton, E. Martinson, M. Simpson, J.
Blackburn, W. Dawson, W. Hardy, R.W. Mitchinson, M. Smith, R.E.
Bowman, C. Dent, M. Heslop, E.D. Naitby, A. Smith, N.
Bowman, F.R. Dixon, J. Hetherington, C.B. Nicholson, J.T. Smith, T.
Boyd, J.T. Dodd, R. Hornsby, R. Nicholson, T. Steele, R.J.
Brown, J. Dodds, J. Hudspith, H. Noble, T. Strothard, J.W.
Bryant, R.E. Dodds, W.M. Hudspith, T. Parker, H.G. Tate, T.
Buddles, J. Douglass, E.W. Jackson, J. Pearson, J. Thompson, W.
Burn, W.S, Ellison, T.A. Jones, W. Pollard, C. Turnbull, W.A.
Burns, G.W. Ellison, J.S. Jowsey, A. Portlock, W.A. Turner, J.
Byers, B. Ellerington, R. Laing, A.O. Richardson, F.A. Tweddle, W.G.
Cade, C. Featherstone J.W. Laing, D.O. Richley, T.S. Wade, W.
Cade, J. Forster, S. Laing, G.O. Robinson, J. Ward, A.E.
Chambers, J. Gibb, R.A. Lamb, J.C. Robson, E.H. Whitmore, A.
Charlton, E. Gibbin, H. Lawson, J.G. Robson, F. Winder, J.
Charlton, J.W. Davison, H. Lee, J.W. Wylie, A.
On east side:
Christ died for all that they which live should
not henceforth live unto themselves but
unto him which died for them and rose again.
Above lych gate:
To the greater glory of God
and in never fading memory of all
the noble sons of this parish
who laid down their lives
for God, King and Country in the
Great War 1914-1918
This lychgate was erected 1920
"A people that jeoparded their lives unto
the death in the high places of the field".