Memorial Details

NEWMP Memorial Image
Photo: Colin N. Dallison


Lychgate 1914-18 St. Andrew's Churchyard





Map ref

NY 989643

Original Location

Church of St. Andrew, Market Place.

Which war


Dedication, Creation or Publication date

Unveiled 25th July 1920 by Lt.Gen. Sir Percy Wilkinson, KCMG. Dedicated by Rt.Rev. Bishop Hornby, D.D.

Memorial Description

Lych gate, 15th Century style, with crenellated top. On either side, filling the corner created by the arch on the front face, are carved the County arms, and the ancient arms of Corbridge. Above the arch is the dedication, the lettering incised into a square headed sunken panel using sans serif capitals.
Inside the gate, there is a plaque approximately 2 feet 6 inches high x 3 feet wide by set into each side wall. The one on the west side bears the names, with the letters incised in sans serif capitals in five columns. The one on the east side bears a plain cross in relief which is accompanied by a text printed on either side of the lower shaft of the cross, the lettering formed by taking out the background and leaving the letters standing in relief, using sans serif capitals.

Materials used

Sandstone with slate roof. and wooden gates. The plaques bearing the names are of green Westmorland slate


Over gateway:
To the greater glory of God / and in never fading memory of all / the noble sons of this parish / who laid down their lives / for God, King and Country in the / Great War 1914-1918 / This lychgate was erected 1920
"A people that jeoparded their lives unto / the death in the high places of the field".

On east side:
Christ died for all that / they which live should / not henceforth live / unto themselves but / unto him which died for / them and rose again.

On west side:
Sacred to the memory of the men of Corbridge / who fell in the Great War 1914-1918


How money was raised

Public subscription

Present condition


Sculptor, Artist or Designer

Designed by H. Martindale of Carlisle; built by Messrs. Davidson of Newcastle on Tyne.


1. Newcastle Journal 13/10/1917 reports a vestry meeting for the purpose of making an application for a faculty for the erection of a lychgate as a memorial to the fallen of the war. The sketches of the proposed work drawn by Mr Martindale were submitted. Work will be proceeded with at the conclusion of the war and it is estimated to cost £230 of which £150 has been raised.
2. The faculty reads: To the greater glory of God and in never fading memory of all the noble sons of this parish who laid down their lives for God King and Country in the Great War 1914-1919 this gate was erected 1919. "Oh hear ye this all ye people ponder it with your ears all ye that dwell in the world, high and low, rich and poor, one with another". Psalm 49 v 1

Newspaper cuttings, photos or archival material

Photos: J. Brown; C.N. Dallison; P. Thirkell; Tony Harding; copy photograph of dedication ceremony: C.N. Dallison

Newcastle Journal 13/10/1917 reports vestry meeting. (Available on The British Newspaper Archive)

Diocese of Newcastle Faculty No. 563 08/11/1917.

Hexham Courant 31/07/1920 reports unveiling;

Alnwick & County Gazette 31/07/1920 reports unveiling.

Newcastle Daily Journal 26/07/1920 reports unveiling.

Illustrated Chronicle 06/07/1920 has photo of lychgate before unveiling; 24/07/1920 reports unveiling tomorrow; 26/07/1920 reports unveiling with photos.

Newcastle Weekly Chronicle 31/07/1920 reports unveiling.

Hexham Weekly News 30/07/1920 reports unveiling;

Newcastle Daily Chronicle 26/07/1920 briefly reports unveiling.

Morpeth County Library Frith collection of photographs; Postcard collection shows site before & after erection of lychgate.

Sources of quotations
“A people that jeoparded their lives . . .” Judges 5 v 1;
“Christ died for all . . .” II Corinthians 5 v 15

Links to Source Material :

Research acknowledgements

Janet Brown; Sally Bird; P. Thirkell; Michael Newrick; C.N. Dallison; Tony Harding; Dorothy Hall

Research In Progress

If you are researching this memorial please contact

Lychgate 1914-18 St. Andrew's Churchyard (C52.04)

CORBRIDGE, St. Andrew's Church, Lych gate.
On west side:

   Sacred to the memory of those men of Corbridge
   who fell in the Great War 1914 - 1918
   Aldred, H.W.   Charlton, R.      Goodson, H.        Logan, A.        Robson, G.D.
   Allcroft, M.   Coates, H.W.      Goodyear, E.       Longstaff, T.    Robson, J.J.
   Allcroft, W.   Coward, G.        Graham, R.         Lowes, N.        Robson, J.W.
   Amos, J.R.     Crozier, W.       Greener, N.        Maddison, F.L.   Rogerson, R.
   Armstrong, H.  Cuthbert, W.      Guy, W.E.          Mail, F.O.       Scott, T.
   Atkin, R.      Daniels, J.       Hall, J.           Marshall, I.D.   Scott, V.E.
   Bell, J.       Davis, H.         Hamilton, E.       Martinson, M.    Simpson, J.
   Blackburn, W.  Dawson, W.        Hardy, R.W.        Mitchinson, M.   Smith, R.E.
   Bowman, C.     Dent, M.          Heslop, E.D.       Naitby, A.       Smith, N.
   Bowman, F.R.   Dixon, J.         Hetherington, C.B. Nicholson, J.T.  Smith, T.
   Boyd, J.T.     Dodd, R.          Hornsby, R.        Nicholson, T.    Steele, R.J.
   Brown, J.      Dodds, J.         Hudspith, H.       Noble, T.        Strothard, J.W.
   Bryant, R.E.   Dodds, W.M.       Hudspith, T.       Parker, H.G.     Tate, T.
   Buddles, J.    Douglass, E.W.    Jackson, J.        Pearson, J.      Thompson, W.
   Burn, W.S,     Ellison, T.A.     Jones, W.          Pollard, C.      Turnbull, W.A.
   Burns, G.W.    Ellison, J.S.     Jowsey, A.         Portlock, W.A.   Turner, J.
   Byers, B.      Ellerington, R.   Laing, A.O.        Richardson, F.A. Tweddle, W.G.
   Cade, C.       Featherstone J.W. Laing, D.O.        Richley, T.S.    Wade, W.
   Cade, J.       Forster, S.       Laing, G.O.        Robinson, J.     Ward, A.E.
   Chambers, J.   Gibb, R.A.        Lamb, J.C.         Robson, E.H.     Whitmore, A.
   Charlton, E.   Gibbin, H.        Lawson, J.G.       Robson, F.       Winder, J.
   Charlton, J.W. Davison, H.       Lee, J.W.                           Wylie, A.
On east side:

   Christ died for all that        they which live should
   not henceforth live             unto themselves but
   unto him which died for         them and rose again.
Above lych gate:

   To the greater glory of God
   and in never fading memory of all
   the noble sons of this parish
   who laid down their lives
   for God, King and Country in the
   Great War 1914-1918
   This lychgate was erected 1920
   "A people that jeoparded their lives unto
   the death in the high places of the field".

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Parish Notes

Every Name A Story