CORBRIDGE, St. Andrew's Church.
"Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his
life for his friends" John XIV 13
To the imperishable memory of those
men of Corbridge who gave their lives
during the Great European War 1914-1918
Aldred, H.W. Ellison, T.A. Mitchison, M
Allcroft, M Ellison, J.S. Naitby, A.
Allcroft, W. Ellerington, R. Nicholson, J.T.
Amos, J.R. Featherstone, J.W. Nicholson, T.
Armstrong, H. Forster, S. Noble, T.
Atkin, R. Gibb, R.A. Parker H.G.
Bell, J. Gibbin, H. Pearson, J.
Blackburn, W. Goodson, H. Pollard, C.
Bowman, C. Goodyear, E. Portlock, W.A.
Bowman, F.R. Graham, R. Richardson, F.A.
Boyd, J.T. Greener, N. Richley, T.S.
Brown, J. Guy, W.E. Robinson, J.
Bryant, R.E. Hall, J. Robson, E.H.
Buddles, J. Hamilton, E. Robson, F.
Burn, W.S. Hardy, R.W. Robson, G.D.
Burns, G.W. Heslop, E.D. Robson, J.J.
Byers, B. Hetherington, C.B. Robson, J.W.
Cade, C. Hornsby, R. Rogerson, R.
Cade, J. Hudspith, H. Scott, T.E.
Chambers, J. Hudspith, T. Scott, V.E.
Charlton, E. Jackson, J. Simpson, J.
Charlton, J.W. Jones, W. Smith, R.E.
Charlton, R. Jowsey, A. Smith, N.
Coates, H.W. Laing, A.O. Smith, T.
Coward, G. Laing, D.O. Steele, R.J.
Crozier, W. Laing, G.O. Strothard, J.W.
Cuthbert, W. Lamb, J.C. Tate, T.
Daniels, J. Lawson, J.G. Thompson, W.
Davis, H. Lee, J.W. Turnbull, W.A.
Dawson, W. Logan, A. Turner, J.
Dent, M. Longstaff, T. Tweddle, W.G.
Dixon, J. Lowes, N. Wade, W.
Dodd, R. Maddison, F.L. Ward, A.
Dodds, J. Mail, F.O. Whitmore, A.
Dodds, W.M. Marshall, I.D. Winder, J.
Douglass, E.W. Martinson, M. Wylie, A.
"In sweet and certain hope of the Resurrection to Eternal Life through
our Lord Jesus Christ".