COUNDON Junction of Church Street and Wharton Street.
To the Glory of God
in thankful remembrance
of the men
of this township
who made the supreme sacrifice
during the European War
and the World War
“Their name liveth for evermore.”
In remembrance of
Fallen soldiers from all conflicts
Since the Second World War.
Right side (1914-18)
Alderson, J. Chapman, C. Cussans, D.
Allison, W. Cherry, R. Davidson, T.
Angle, J. Clark, J. Davison, C.
Arnison, A. Clish, J. Davison, J.R.
Atkinson, A. Christian, C. Dent, W.M.
Atkinson, S. Cleminson, I. Denton, J.
Blenkinship, R. Clunie, A. Denton, J.H.
Blenkinsopp, W. Coates, A.W. Denton, T.
Brabbon, E. Coates, G.P. Dobson, J.
Brown, P. Collingwood, T. Dobson, W.
Callaghan, M. Conlin, B. Dodgson, T.
Callaghan, T. Conlin, Jas. Dinsley, H
Cannavan, J. Conlin, J. Eales, R.
Cant, J. Cooke, T. Elgie, R.
Carlton, G.E. Cowie, J. Emery, J.
Cartner, R. Craven, L. Emmerson, A.
Catchpole, R. Crawford, R.T. Fallows, R
Catchpole, S. Curran, J. Featherstone, M.
Lower pedestal, right side (1939-45)
Banks, G. Clarkson, J.J. Craig, E.
Beal, T. Clarkson, T.W. Crooks, L.
Brown, J.G. Coe, C. Crossley, E.
Campbell, J.E.A. Cook, A. Duffy, P.J.
Top panel, rear(1914-18)
Brown, W. Emmerson, J. Rowlandson, S.
Carlton, W.S. Hodgson, R. Sutton, A.
Docherty, W. Hall, H. Thompson, G.
Davidson, R. Peacock, B. Thomson, J.
Main panel, rear (1914-18)
Firbank, J. Holliday, G. Longstaff, E.
Firbank, T.E. Holliday, R. Lowe, J.
Firbank, T.W. Hopps, J. Maggs, W.H.
Forest, W. Hughes, G. Manners, G.
Fowler, R. Hughes, P. Manners, R.
Fox, H. Hunter, E. Mason, J.
Fullalove, J. Jefferies, E. May, F.
Gardner, R.K. Jefferies, G. Metcalfe, J.W.
Garnett, J. Johnson, T. Metcalfe, T.
Gibbon, A.J. Jones, H. McCrickard, W.
Goundry, R. Jordan, S. Musgrave, J.R.
Hancock, J.R. Kellett, J. Musgrave, H.
Harrison, W. Kerry, G. Moore, F.
Hetherington, A. Kitch, J. Newby, J.
Hilker, A. Land, A. Newton, J.
Hilton, A. Lax, W. Newton, R.W.
Hodgson, A Liddle, A Nicholson, R.
Hodgson, J.J Liddle, J.P Notley, W
Lower pedestal, rear (1939-45)
Hall, S. Kerry, W. Macdonald, T.
Hewitt, J.W. Kipling, T.H. Moore, M.W.
Hudspeth, S. Lee, J.W. O'Neill, J.
Jackson, T.H. Lonsdale, T. Pearson, F.
Lawler, D.
Left side (1914-18)
Palmer, A. Steele, J.D. Vasey, G.H.
Palmer, H. Stobbs, T. Waller, G.
Race, J. Stonehouse, G. Wallhead, A.E.
Ranson, J. Storey, J.W. Wales, C.
Reay, J. Tallentire, J.R. Wearmouth, R.
Reed, H. Taylor, H. Wearmouth, R.
Richardson, J.T. Taylor, H. Wharton, G.
Robson, E. Temple, A. Wheatley, T.
Robson, J. Thomas, J.H. Wills, H.
Rowntree, J. Thompson, Jas. Williams, R.
Sains, J.C. Thompson, J. Wilkinson, T.
Sains, T.W. Thompson, W. Wharton, J.
Shaw, J. Thompson, T. Woolard, J.
Smith, F.E. Thomson, J.M. Woolard, T.
Spence, T. Thwaites, G. Young, E.
Sproates, T. Thwaites, J. Young, J.
Staley, A. Todhunter, E. Scott, T.
Staley, W. Toole, J. Morrow, E.
Lower pedestal, left side (1914-18)
Portlock, T.W. Soulsby, B. Tutin, J.W.
Robinson, S. Staveley, J.R. Wade, A.W.
Robson, J.R. Thompson, G.E. Welburn, N.
Rose, A. Thompson, L.V. Wood, W.R.
Weldon, D.