Here are some examples of the areas where help is needed.
Some of the photographs on the website are not of the highest quality. Can you take good photographs to replace some of the poorer quality photographs currently on the website?
Permission for them to be downloaded by those purchasing files would be needed.
Architects and Designers have their own specialist language and terminology. Are you able to advise NEWMP on this terminology to use in describing war memorials and do you have any knowledge of the materials used in the construction of those war memorials?
Do you have an eye for detail? Are you able to check that NEWMP has made an accurate record of the war memorials in your locality, and that the names and inscriptions are accurately transcribed?
Do you have a Sherlock Holmes instinct? NEWMP is convinced that it has not discovered every one of Northumberland and Durham’s war memorials. Are you willing to ask questions and to track down, in churches and other locations, as well as newspapers or other sources, those war memorials that have been forgotten about, or that other investigators have overlooked?
Do you like doing research in libraries, archives and on the internet? NEWMP would like to know more about the war memorials on its website. How was the memorial funded? Who made the decision about the form that the memorial would take? How was its location chosen?
Alternatively you may prefer to research the names on the war memorials in your locality. This may entail research in books, archives, newspapers and the internet.
Are you a regular reader of a local newspaper? Are you aware of new war memorials being dedicated in your locality, or of war memorials being repaired and up-graded, moved, and even vandalised, or of having new names added?
These are some of the areas in which NEWMP would welcome help from volunteers. Every contribution by a volunteer would be acknowledged in the appropriate file on NEWMP's website.
If you are willing to become a volunteer, or require further information, please contact the North East War Memorials Project, Bilsdale, Ulgham, Northumberland, NE61 3AR, or contact Janet Brown on